Our journal is turning 50!



2025 marks an extraordinary year for Comparative Population Studies (CPoS): the journal’s 50th anniversary. Celebrating this 50-year journey, we reflect on the journal’s major developments and achievements. And who could report better than the individuals that shaped it? To give a comprehensive overview of the past, present, and future of the journal, we will publish a series of editorials throughout volume 50 of CPoS. In these editorials, past editors, publishers, and authors will share their experiences and perspectives on the journal.

Read the first editorial by the current editors, Heike Trappe and Roland Rau, and the team at the BiB here.

Comparative Population Studies at Fifty: Views on the Past, Present, and Future by Heike Trappe, Roland Rau, Katrin Schiefer, C. Katharina Spieß