Special Issue on causal mechanisms in demographic research published


The latest CPoS issue aims to identify the causal mechanism which „drive“ demographic behaviour and population change. The first article provides the reader with a methodological overview of performing panel data analyses. The next four articles address topics in the major fields of demographic research: nuptiality and partnership formation, fertility, spatial mobility and migration, and morbidity and mortality. The final two articles present empirical studies using data from the German Family Panel Study (pairfam). The seven contributions in this special issue shed light on the advances made in causal demographic analysis using longitudinal research designs. The issue fills a gap in explaining core dimensions of demographic behaviour and thus can also contribute to understanding indivudual behaviour in crises such as the climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Find all papers here: https://comparativepopulationstudies.de/index.php/CPoS/S_ISSUE